Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Eiffel Tower Essay Example for Free

The Eiffel Tower Essay You couldnt possibly visit Paris without seeing the Eiffel Tower. Even if you do not want to visit this world famous structure, you will see its top from all over Paris. The tower rises 300 meters tall (984 ft); when it was completed at the end of the 19th century it was twice as high as the Washington Monument, at the time the tallest structure in the world. 1889 World Exhibition The Eiffel Tower was built for the World Exhibition in 1889, held in celebration of the French Revolution 1789, The Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of England, opened the tower. Of the 700 proposals submitted in a design competition, Gustave Eiffels was unanimously chosen. The construction was only meant to last for the duration of the Exposition, but it still stands today, despite all protests from contemporary artists who feared the construction would be the advent of structures without individuality and despite the many people who feared that this huge object would not fit into the architecture of Paris. Today, there is no such aversion anymore among the Parisians, and one could not imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower, in fact it has become the symbol of the City of Light. Gustave Eiffel The man behind the Eiffel Tower was Gustave Eiffel, known from his revolutionary bridge building techniques, as employed in the great viaduct at Garabit in 1884. These techniques would form the basis for the construction of the Eiffel Tower. He was also known for the construction of the Statue of Libertys iron framework. The structure took more than two years to complete. Each one of the about 12,000 iron pieces were designed Separately to give them exactly the shape needed. All pieces were prefabricated and fit together using approx. 7 million nails. Eiffel Tower was designed and built in just two years by 132 workers and 50 engineers. The Eiffel Tower is nowadays 324 meters high with television antennas. It weights 7300 tons. The first floor of the Eiffel Tower is 57 meters and 360 steps from the ground. The second floor is 115 meters and 1060 steps from the ground. The third floor is 274 meters from the ground. It is only accessible by lift to the general public. They are altogether 1710 steps up to the third floor. The Eiffel Tower was planned to be demolished in 1909. It was saved at the last moment and turned into a telecommunication tower. The Eiffel Tower is now undoubtedly one of the most famous monuments in the whole world. It welcome 7 million visitors each year, which makes it the most visited paid monument in the world.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Essay --

The meaning of contingency theory is one thing depends on other things. An effectiveness of a leader must be well fix between its style and behavior and the condition of the situation. A leadership style work in one situation might not necessary work in other situation. In contingency theory, leadership style describe as task-oriented or relationship-oriented. A relationship-oriented leader established respect, mutual trust and listen to employees needs. A task-oriented leader is motivated by task accomplishment. Next, task-oriented provide clear directions and set performance standards. The theory provides effectively matching the leader and situation. The most important elements to contingencies are the situation and followers. In contingency approach it’s surrounding with leader, followers and situation. The three main factors of contingency approach are leader member relations, position power and task structure. Task, structure, context, and environment are important to leadership style. Fiedler’s contingency model, situational theory, path-goal theory and Vroom-Jago contingency model developed the contingency model by Fiedler and his associates. The Fiedler’s contingency model was design to diagnose leadership style and situation in organization. The principle of this model is In Fiedler’s contingency model styles is task-oriented or relationship-oriented. To measure leader styles, Fielder’s developed the Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale. When leaders who score high on this scale, which are relationship oriented and those who score low on this scale are describe as task oriented. A task-oriented leader builds respect, mutual trust and listens to employee’s needs. A relationship-ori... ...riented leadership and participative leadership (House & Mitchell, 1974, p. 83). Path goal theory attempts to combine the motivation principles become a theory of leadership. This makes path-goal theory unique because no other leadership approaches deal with this way. The other strength of path goal theory that is leaders clarifies the paths to the goals and helps remove any difficulties for the subordinates. The disadvantage that is path goal theory has not examined the basic motivational assumptions of the theory. Next, most leadership scholars agree that path-goal theory has not been adequately tested (Thomas, P. D. G. 1971). Path goal does not describe how a leader could use different styles to help subordinates feel assured of success. For example, path-goal theory does not explain how directive leadership increase subordinate motivation during ambiguous task.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Translocation of over-Breeding Species

Translocation is the method to alleviate the over-breeding problem of animal besides killing them. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) broadly defines translocation as ‘‘the deliberate and mediated movement of wild individuals from one part of their range to another† (e. g. IUCN, 1987). Translocation includes Capture and handling, captivity or some form of prolonged restraint, transport, release into an unfamiliar location four processes. Despite its wide use and importance, translocation traditionally has a low rate of success due to the effect of chronic stress.But Tufts University has done the measure on translocation and found out the solutions (Biological Conservation Molly J. Dickens 2010). Administering anesthesia or tranquilizing during capture, reduce the risk of the animal perceive handling and transport. Normally, Health assays, veterinary visits, or other forms of observation and intervention are conducted during captivity, decrease the total number of visits, thus decreasing added exposure to handling stress.Specific aspects of transport such as vehicle design, stacking density, ventilation, and even the quality of the road and the standard of driving should be measured before translocation. Finally, the use of a ‘‘soft-release† strategy, in which animals adjust to the area in a special designed cage before being released, may decrease novelty of the release site since animals will have time to adjust to their new surroundings without additional stress of finding resources or facing predation. This research makes translocation be a feasible method nowadays.There are two types of strategy in translocation. Introduce to a place with similar biotic and abiotic factors but the population of over-breeding species should be small. For the advantage, animals easily adapt the new condition. But the animals still have a high breeding rate, the over-breeding problem will threaten the ecosystem again a fter a long period. Another strategy is to introduce to a place with new environment. It actually can reduce the breeding rate effectively. But there is a lot of works should be carried out both before and after.Before animals can be introduced into an environment biologists must determine the reason for the over-breeding and over-population problems and also assess the risk of translocation. After translocation, biologists should study the animals to ensure they are surviving and breeding in their new environment. Translocation is the most suitable for some species of animals. For example, Grey kangaroos are one of the over breeding animals. They are capable of breeding throughout the year, but most breeding occurs in summer. The female kangaroo is usually permanently pregnant, except on the day she gives birth.This leads a high birth rate. Apart from human, the effect of predator on kangaroo’s population is limit. And also, eastern Grey Kangaroos are the most social of the kangaroos and so it is rare to see one alone. One good reason to gather together in a group is that more individuals can be more attentive to possible threats from predators. As kangaroos dead from the effect of predator is low, but the high breeding rate continuously increase the population, finally cause over-population. But the grey kangaroos are a high adaptability species.They can still alive in the change of environment and this minimizes the effect of translocation. During a dry period, males will not produce sperm. It is suitable to relocate them to a less wet place to reduce their ability of reproduction. Kangaroos are animals that don't burp methane. In Australia, kangaroo compete with cattle and sheep. The increase in number of kangaroos enables decrease number of sheep and cattle, and therefore reduces the release of greenhouse gases. This is the main reason why we save the kangaroos rather than eating them.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE forgotten feminist Essay - 2528 Words

MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE: forgotten feminist Introduced by Susan B. Anthony at the International Council of Women in 1888, Matilda Josyln Gage began her speech with a brief sketch of her early entry into the suffrage movement: I have frequently been asked what first turned by thoughts towards womans rights. I think I was born with a hatred of oppression, and, too, in my fathers house, I was trained in the anti-slavery ranks, for it was one of the stations on the underground railway, and a home of anti-slavery speakers. Well I remember the wonder with which, when a young girl, I looked upon Abby Kelly, when she spoke of the wrongs of black women and black men. Then I remember, before the Round House in my city of Syracuse was finished, a†¦show more content†¦But I was entirely ignorant of all parliamentary rule, or what was necessary to be done. I prepared my speech, and going to the convention, sat near the front, and with a palpitating heart waited until I obtained courage to go upon the platform, probably to the inte rference of arrangements, for I knew nothing about the proper course for me to take. But I was so sweetly welcomed by the sainted Lucretia Mott, who gave me a place, and, when I had finished speaking, referred so pleasantly to what I had said, and to her my heart turned always with truest affection. Soon after the close of the convention, almost immediately afterwards, it was criticized from the pulpit by the Rev. Mr. Ashley, of the Episcopal Church, and Rev. Mr. Sunderland, now of this city, but then established at Syracuse. With the latter gentleman I carried on a long newspaper controversy. As Miss Grew has truly said, it is not religion that has opposed woman suffrage, because true religion believes in undoing the heavy burdens and letting the oppressed go free. But from the church and from theology this reform has met opposition at every step. It was Gages outspoken opposition to the bigotry of Christian theology that would eventually cost her dearly. The price of liberty to Matilda Joslyn Gage